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发布时间:2022-10-17 |  来源:bwin娱乐棋牌:网 |  责任编辑:赵嫱



From Combating Plagues to COVID-19 —— Why Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Excel?

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a thousand-year-long history in treating pandemic diseases. In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic most recently, TCM has impressed the world with the magic it has unfurled. 

Many Westerners are marveled at the power to cure of traditional Chinese medicine though, they still find it a bit mysterious. After all, compared with Western medicine, TCM is based on widely different philosophies, culture and theories. What is exactly the magic of traditional Chinese medicine? We’ve had an interview with Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and master of traditional Chinese medicine. Let’s unveil the mystery and dive into the world of Chinese medicine.


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